Andy Porter
Andy Porter
For me photography and outdoor travel have always been linked. In 1976, I planned my first trip on the Pacific Crest Trail. Two of my friends accompanied me, we hitchhiked from Eastern Pennsylvania to Cascade Locks in Oregon and hiked south, through most of Oregon on the trail. I borrowed a friend's Nikkormat for the trip and tried hard to capture the look and feel of what I saw. Since that first trip on the PCT I have traveled broadly (50 states, 50 countries), yet no matter where I was living, in the US or overseas I always felt a tug back to the Pacific Northwest. Finally, I settled in NW Washington, I am at home and have an abundance of outdoor photographic subjects. My favorite places are the North Cascades and the Olympic Coast.
Andy’s work has been featured in many magazines and publications including the book, “The North Cascades - Finding Beauty and Renewal in the Wild Nearby.” You can see his work at