Charity Navigator

North Cascades Institute has received 21 four-star ratings from Charity Navigator for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency. Charity Navigator works to advance a more efficient and responsive philanthropic marketplace by evaluating the financial health of 200k+ charities.

"Only one percent of the charities we rate have received at least ten consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that North Cascades Institute outperforms most other charities in America," explains Ken Berger, president & chief executive officer of Charity Navigator. "Receiving four out of a possible four stars indicates that your organization adheres to good governance and other practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities and consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way. This 'exceptional' designation from Charity Navigator differentiates North Cascades Institute from its peers and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust. "

"This is an exciting endorsement from America's most trusted independent charity evaluator," said Institute Finance Director Jason Ruvelson. "The Institute was compared against thousands of other nonprofit organizations and received the highest overall rating for sustainability and efficiency — donors' dollars go to programs and the people we serve, not expensive overhead."

As the nonprofit sector continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, savvy donors are demanding more accountability, transparency and quantifiable results from the charities they choose to support with their hard-earned dollars. In this competitive philanthropic marketplace, Charity Navigator highlights the work of efficient charities and provides donors with essential information needed to give them greater confidence in the charitable choices they make.

Our online Charity Navigator evaluation is posted at