Activity Levels

Adult and Family Programs Activity Levels Overview

Activity Level 1
Low physical activity required. Examples include sitting, watching or listening to a presentation, operating a computer or smartphone, and short walks on pavement. Often these are virtual programs.

Activity Level 2
Expect a mild level of activity. Examples include cooking, walks up to 0.5 miles, painting or drawing, and periods of standing or sitting on the ground. Occasional navigation of obstacles such as a fallen log or sandy beach may be required.

Activity Level 3
Expect moderate activity. Examples include walks or hikes 0.5 to 2.0 miles with elevation gains less than 250 feet. Gravel or dirt trails are likely. Expect some uneven terrain such as dirt steps, fallen logs, or potholes.

Activity Level 4
Expect vigorous activity. Examples include hikes 2.0 to 4.0 miles or gaining 250 to 1000 feet of elevation, walking with snowshoes, paddling a tandem canoe, and moderate activities undertaken in winter conditions or summer heat. Travel over uneven terrain is likely. You may be asked to navigate staircases or periodic steep sections of trail. Expect to carry a small backpack (less than 30 lbs). Off-trail exploration is possible.

Activity Level 5
Expect strenuous physical activity. This program will almost certainly get your heart rate up. Examples include hikes longer than 4.0 miles or gaining more than 1000 feet in elevation, sustained periods of paddling, and carrying loads over 35 lbs. Expect uneven terrain and/or unpredictable weather conditions. Off-trail exploration is possible.

Additional Information
Depending on the season, be prepared for below freezing temperatures, rain, snow, sun exposure, or hot temperatures. Should you have questions about the activities involved in a particular course, please don’t hesitate to reach out.