
Current Job Openings: 

Adventure Job Board - General job posting board, similar to Indeed but for adventure education and guiding jobs

City of Bellingham Employment - Current job openings in Bellingham

Climate Base Job Board - Climate tech companies and nonprofits

Conservation Job Board - General outdoor recreation & conservation job posting you can filter by region and interest

Evergreen State College Job Board 

Idealist - Nonprofit jobs, volunteering & more

NAAEE North America Association for Environmental Education - The leading jobs listing service for the environmental education field

NOLS Jobs Network - Internships, Full-time, Part-time and Seasonal jobs in outdoor recreation

Student Conservation Association (SCA) -  Great for high school students under 18 to become part of a field crew, work on conservation projects and be involved in community

Texas A&M Conservation Job Board - All types on conservation jobs for different experience levels, especially good if you are hoping to get a job with a data collection or trail work component

Action Opportunities

 Programs, Volunteering, Jobs, Careers, Events & MORE

Skagit & Whatcom Counties: 

Common Threads: volunteer and Americorp job positions with school gardens

Community to Community: women-led – events and volunteer program dedicated to food sovereignty and immigrant rights

Kulshan Carbon Trust: Career opportunities, volunteers and events to conserve and sequester carbon through collaborative natural climate solutions. 

Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA): Restoration work, internships and volunteer opportunities

Skagit Land Trust: Variety of ways to get involved in local conservation and stewardship (Volunteer, Internships, Events)

Skagit Watershed Council: Volunteer, resources and events to better understand, protect and restore the productivity of healthy ecosystems in order to support sustainable fisheries

Whatcom Conservation District: Environmental and natural resource conservation for high schoolers

Whatcom Land Trust: Variety of ways to get involved in local conservation and stewardship (Volunteer, Internships, Events)

Whatcom Million Trees Project: Volunteer opportunities and events to contribute to the mission to plant and protect one-million trees over the next five years (2022 thru 2026) in Whatcom County.

Whiteswan Environmental: Indigenous led– Resources and Events to advocate for thriving cultures and environment for all in the Salish Sea.

Wild Whatcom: Education program to connect young people to nature. Field mentor jobs and volunteer opportunities 


Got Green Seattle - building community and organizing events for racial, economic, gender and climate justice

Front & Centered -  a diverse and powerful coalition of communities of color-led groups, whose missions and work come together at the intersection of equity, environmental and climate justice.

Mountain to Sound Greenway -  regularly host environmental volunteer events to empower environmental advocacy 

Puyallup Tribe - Information about the Puyallup Tribe, learning resources, land acknoledgment information etc. 

The Mountaineers - offering trips and activities to enrich the community by helping people explore, conserve, learn about, and enjoy the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest

Y-WE - Transformative programs for young women to be creative leaders and courageous change makers

Across Washington State:

Adopt a Stream Foundation

Northwest Youth Corps

United States Forest Service

YMCA Earth Service Corps

Other Regional Programs

1000 Friends of Oregon

Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve

Lewis and Clark National Historical Park

Nature Conservancy

North Cascades National Park

Northwest Youth Corps

Washington Department of Ecology

Washington Trails Association

If you would like to add an opportunity to this page, please email