Current Job Openings:
Adventure Job Board - General job posting board, similar to Indeed but for adventure education and guiding jobs
City of Bellingham Employment - Current job openings in Bellingham
Climate Base Job Board - Climate tech companies and nonprofits
Conservation Job Board - General outdoor recreation & conservation job posting you can filter by region and interest
Evergreen State College Job Board
Idealist - Nonprofit jobs, volunteering & more
NAAEE North America Association for Environmental Education - The leading jobs listing service for the environmental education field
NOLS Jobs Network - Internships, Full-time, Part-time and Seasonal jobs in outdoor recreation
Student Conservation Association (SCA) - Great for high school students under 18 to become part of a field crew, work on conservation projects and be involved in community
Texas A&M Conservation Job Board - All types on conservation jobs for different experience levels, especially good if you are hoping to get a job with a data collection or trail work component
Action Opportunities
Programs, Volunteering, Jobs, Careers, Events & MORE
Skagit & Whatcom Counties:
Common Threads: volunteer and Americorp job positions with school gardens
Community to Community: women-led – events and volunteer program dedicated to food sovereignty and immigrant rights
Kulshan Carbon Trust: Career opportunities, volunteers and events to conserve and sequester carbon through collaborative natural climate solutions.
Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA): Restoration work, internships and volunteer opportunities
Skagit Land Trust: Variety of ways to get involved in local conservation and stewardship (Volunteer, Internships, Events)
Skagit Watershed Council: Volunteer, resources and events to better understand, protect and restore the productivity of healthy ecosystems in order to support sustainable fisheries
Whatcom Conservation District: Environmental and natural resource conservation for high schoolers
Whatcom Land Trust: Variety of ways to get involved in local conservation and stewardship (Volunteer, Internships, Events)
Whatcom Million Trees Project: Volunteer opportunities and events to contribute to the mission to plant and protect one-million trees over the next five years (2022 thru 2026) in Whatcom County.
Whiteswan Environmental: Indigenous led– Resources and Events to advocate for thriving cultures and environment for all in the Salish Sea.
Wild Whatcom: Education program to connect young people to nature. Field mentor jobs and volunteer opportunities
Got Green Seattle - building community and organizing events for racial, economic, gender and climate justice
Front & Centered - a diverse and powerful coalition of communities of color-led groups, whose missions and work come together at the intersection of equity, environmental and climate justice.
Mountain to Sound Greenway - regularly host environmental volunteer events to empower environmental advocacy
Puyallup Tribe - Information about the Puyallup Tribe, learning resources, land acknoledgment information etc.
The Mountaineers - offering trips and activities to enrich the community by helping people explore, conserve, learn about, and enjoy the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest
Y-WE - Transformative programs for young women to be creative leaders and courageous change makers
Across Washington State:
Other Regional Programs
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve
Lewis and Clark National Historical Park
Washington Department of Ecology
If you would like to add an opportunity to this page, please email