Mountain School

We have rare openings in our Mountain School schedule! Contact us for more information on how you might be able to bring your classroom or school group to the Environmental Learning Center this Fall for our award-winning residential environmental education program 

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Mountain School is a nationally recognized environmental education program offered by North Cascades Institute in cooperation with North Cascades National Park. Local 5th grade students come to the North Cascades with their school class, teacher and chaperones to learn about the ecosystems and natural and cultural history of the mountains. Mountain School gives young people an experience they will remember forever.

The 3-day 2-night program serves local 5th grade students and is based at the North Cascades Environmental Learning Center located in North Cascades National Park. The fall season operates from September through November. The spring season operates from March through June.

While at Mountain School students spend a majority of their time outside, hiking on trails and exploring the watersheds, forests, plants and wildlife of the North Cascades ecosystems first-hand through interdisciplinary activities in science, math, art, social studies and conservation.

Welcome to Mountain School: What are YOU looking forward to?

Bienvenido a Mountain School: ¿Qué estás esperando?

*** Please note that the Mountain School programs evolves year to year and some of the details in these videos may have changed.

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    The Environmental Learning Center is located in North Cascades National Park on Diablo Lake. Learning spaces include classrooms, outdoor learning shelters, a library, and the surrounding trails. LEARN MORE

  • Mountain School Curriculum

    Students spend most of their time outside exploring mountain ecosystems through hands-on interdisciplinary activities in science, math, art, social studies, and conservation. LEARN MORE

  • Mountain School Curriculum

    We want you to be prepared and confident as you look forward to your Mountain School adventure!

    Coming soon...

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    While on campus, students bunk with their classmates in cozy lodges and enjoy healthy, kid-friendly meals in our lakeside dining hall. LEARN MORE